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What to Expect


Guidelines to follow before your FULL set of lash extensions to ensure the best service possible.

-No caffeine at least 12 hours prior to your appointment. This will help your eyes to not flutter when the lash extensions are being applied.


-Please arrive with a bare face. No make up on or heavy under eye cream/moisturizer.


-Please come in to your appointment with no mascara on or any mascara residue on your lashes. Including any lash strip adhesive.


-Be prepared to lay on your back for 3 hours for your lash service.


-Please use the restroom prior to your appointment time.


-You may bring in your headphones if you would like to listen to your own music or podcast. 


-Please plan not to be outside or any physical activity for at least 12 hours after service is preformed.


-Do not get a spray tan or go in a tanning bed 12 hours prior to lash service.

Guidelines to follow before you FILL appointments to ensure the best services possible.

-No caffeine at least 12 hours prior to you appointment. This will help your eyes to not flutter when the lash extensions are being applied.


-Please use the restroom prior to your appointment.


-You may bring in your own head phones if you would like to listen to your own music or podcast.


-Please plan not to be outside or participating in any physical activity for 12 hours following your lash service.


-Don't get a spray tan or go in a tanning bed 12 hours after lash service.


-Lashes need to be cleaned the day of the service! If you do not clean your lashes prior to your appointment, please use lash cleanser and brushes that are supplied in the restroom.


Are lash extensions damaging to your natural lashes?

When lash extensions are done the correct way they should not be damaging. A lash extension fan should only be applied to one single natural lash. Everyone's natural lashes are at different growth cycles and when multiple natural lashes are adhered together they can't fully continue there growth cycle. Not every natural lash can handle the same size or amount of lash extensions. The baby lashes are not able to hold the weight of a volume lash extension fan compared to a mature natural lashes, All the above is crucial for a healthy set. 

Why do I need to get my lashes filled?

You lose on average 2-5 natural lashes a day which is 28-70 in two weeks. Two weeks is the recommended time frame to come in for a fill.  After two weeks you will notice your lashes aren't as full as before. 

What are lash extensions?

Lash extensions are 3-10 faux mink extensions. Each lash extension is hand created in a fan for your desired fullness and length. The volume lash extension fan is placed on one single isolated natural lash. Lash extensions can be very versatile and can be designed of your eye shape and desired look.

Why do I need to clean my lashes? And what do I clean my lashes with?

Even if you don't wear any makeup during the week, dead skin and dirt can start building up at the lash line where extensions are placed. Makeup will also build up at the lash line and then result in bad lash retention. Poor lash retention can be created when lashes are not cleansed daily. Lash extension that are applied to dirty lashes will adhere to dirt, dead skin, and makeup instead of your natural lash causing poor retention. 

I also have more information on my aftercare page on my website.


A lot of lash brands do retail cleanser. I would recommended reaching out to your lash tech to see what they would suggest. I retail Borboleta's after care line in my studio. I am a big fan of their products because they cleanse gently.

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